Black Ops is a clandestine branch of the AR network that supports AR through financial investment, getting reports into the hands of high-profile targets and offering intercession and wisdom. In return, members of Black Ops get access to classified information about where the reports are going and what we are learning as we create them. Membership is invite only.
Aqua Regia is a spiritual intelligence company that utilizes prophecy, word of knowledge, dream interpretation, strategic intercession, and discernment to unlock practical solutions in the professional and personal realms of those we serve.
We are committed to Jesus Christ and our purpose is to build the Kingdom of God on Earth.
/ˈA.KwƏ ˈɹEƗ.GI.Ə/

The answer came first. Then the riddle presented itself.
Lindsey Reiman was searching for gold.
Technically, she was researching it. She had been scouring white papers to online articles when she saw it.
Aqua Regia.
Instantly the words jumped off the page, and she knew she was being pulled into a bigger story.
She heard the Lord say, "Look up the meaning of those words."
Aqua regia /ˈreɪɡiə, ˈriːdʒiə/; from Latin, literally "king’s water" or "royal water."
The history is even more intriguing than the definition suggests.
As you read this history, pay attention to the symbolism. Do you see it?
The story begins in the 8th century when alchemists discovered a chemical compound, made up of “3 parts”, that would liquify gold. Not just gold, other metals as well, but only those classified as “noble metals” on the periodic table of elements.
The alchemists aptly named it aqua regia.
Now, fast forward to World War 2.
The year is 1940, the Nazis have invaded Denmark, and chemist George de Hevesy has to flee his lab, The Neil Bohrs Institute. As history tells us, the third reich was systematically stealing gold, which presented de Hevesy with a difficult choice. He had been charged with the safe keeping of two Nobel Prizes (which are made of solid gold) awarded to two German physicists, who had already risked their own lives by sending the prizes to the institute for safe keeping.
In a moment of brilliance, De Hevesy mixed the chemical solution aqua regia to dissolve the gold Nobel medals. He poured the liquified medals into beakers and placed them on a shelf among other beakers filled with common chemicals. DeHevesy fled, the nazis invaded his labratory, but when the war was over and he returned, he found his concealed gold in a beaker safe, the nazis had missed it!
Later, the Nobel Foundation was able to take the liquified gold and recast it back into a proper Nobel medal and restored them to their rightful owners.
As Lindsey read the historical account, the Lord spoke to her and said:
“The interpretation for your business is that Aqua Regia hides in plain sight and protects from the enemy.”
Lindsey knew she had the name. But the blueprints for the business were still being drawn.
One day, while she was still a student at the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, another puzzle piece fell into her lap. Ben Armstrong, head of the prophetic department at Bethel Church, was speaking about the Biblical prophet, Daniel.
And that’s when the penny dropped.
Suddenly, she realized how a series of open visions and dreams she had been having all pointed back to the book of Daniel.
Just like Daniel used the gifts of the Spirit to advise kings and reveal God in the midst of Babylon, Aqua Regia was meant to do the same. Its mission would be to reveal God outside the four walls of the church and partner with the gifts of the Spirit to uncover heavenly solutions for practical, worldly challenges.
And, just like Daniel acted as an emissary of God while hidden in the Babylonian courts, AR soon began receiving invitations to do prophetic ministry in places you would never expect.
At that same time, the prophetic report, the signature offering of Aqua Regia, was developing. One of the missions of the report is to explore the connection between interpretation and the concept of “hidden in plain sight” through prophetic processing. In the prophetic report, AR partners with the gift of interpretation, like Daniel did, to reveal layers of revelation that God has hidden for us to search out. Proverbs 25:2 is a DNA scripture of Aqua Regia, “It's the glory of God to conceal
a matter and it’s the glory of Kings to search it out.”
This was just the prelude. To this day, Aqua Regia continues searching out matters.
And the story has just begun.

A prophetic company gathers to hear the Lord for an individual, business or city. This is accomplished through a double-blind methodology; the prophetic company has no knowledge of the individual, business or city recipient other than an identifier code. Additionally, the team members do not discuss with each other what they wrote; each word is produced independently. And yet patterns emerge, we pay attention to themes and patterns because it is often where the voice of the Lord can be heard most clearly.
The Report has two sections:

The prophetic report is an innovative, highly stylized way to connect people to God-given intelligence. It encourages and affirms your unique identity and gifts. It confirms and sharpens call and purpose. It provides specific, verifiable recommendations on how to partner with what God is doing. It gives insight into what is likely to unfold in the future. This section contains prophetic messages from 10-12 different prophetic reporters.
After the intelligence in section I is compiled, our pattern tracking specialists read through the messages to identify consistent themes and patterns, decoding symbols and key messages from God.
Specific types of intelligence are also identified and compiled, including actionable intelligence that provides guidance on how to partner with God in the next season, insight into what will happen in your future, and excerpts of Scripture God is highlighting for you.

This is our signature offering. Profile Reports are for an individual. Think of the Profile report as a Spiritual Treasure Map meets the President’s daily brief. Its prophetic words with intelligence analysis. We utilize the blind methodology, we assign you a code name and our team never knows who they are prophesying over. This entire process is an opportunity for faith - you put in your faith, we put in ours. The purpose of the profile report is to encourage and draw you into the adventure of exploring God’s voice! We hope these reports ignite a passion to uncover the many, brilliant ways He has hidden His mysteries for you to discover.

Mini Reports are a mini, digital only version of the Profile Report. These are also for an individual. The Mini report was developed to have a faster turnaround time with a digital delivery. It includes less analysis and does not include interpretation of themes and patterns. For this reason we often recommend mini reports for individuals who are comfortable processing prophetic words. However we have some wonderful testimonies of these reports being sent to non believers as an introduction to connecting with Jesus! They just may need some guidance on how to process them.

Company Reports are like Profile Reports, except that instead of being for an individual, they are for a company (ie: business or organization). All the elements of a Profile Report will be in your company report, because companies like individuals have an identity as well as assets that differentiate them from their competitors. Our hope for company reports is to confirm strategies you have already been exploring, present out of the box insights, and ignite your passion for how to partner with Heaven within your business.

You or your organization have a problem or situation where you want targeted spiritual insight or a solution. We'll collect spiritual intelligence regarding your situation from team members who are not told about the situation. Then, a select team of analysts will interpret the intelligence to identify recommendations for your situation. Engagements last one or more months. Our aim is to provide strategic spiritual intelligence to assist in decision making and solution development.
Our prophetic team consists entirely of volunteers, no one is compensated for delivering prophetic words. Your investment goes toward production costs related to data analysis, publishing, printing, and shipping of the report. We are a pay it forward company. A percentage of every report purchased is donated to the charity above.

In most cases, Prophetic Reports are gifts. To date, we have delivered over 200 reports around the globe, spanning 9 countries.
Recipients occupy a range of different spheres of influence:

Spiritual intelligence changes lives, brings solutions, and connects people to their creator. Aqua Regia is uniquely positioned to get spiritual intelligence into the hands of those who, otherwise, have limited or no access to the voice of God.
Several reports have been sent as gifts to individuals who do not necessarily associate themselves with faith. This has resulted in an open door for conversations around faith, as well as recipients experiencing the love of God. If you would like to donate toward a report to be sent to someone on our evangelism wish-list please click the button below. We thank you for sowing into the advancing of God’s Kingdom!
*Donations are not tax-deductible. Aqua Regia is an LLC for profit corporation.